Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day 87 - Anti-Bullying Bracelets for Kindergarteners

A few nights ago Chris and I watched the documentary The Bully Project a wonderful production on the current bullying epidemic in today's schools.  Bullying is such a huge issue in this country and I recommend the film to anyone who may be a parent or work with children in any aspect.  Not only is bullying being seen in younger and younger children but with advances in technology, children are being tormented around the clock using cell phones and social media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter.

After watching the film I was convicted to do something for the girls' school to bring awareness to bullying and hopefully start some dialogues at home.  The girls' school has a dress code and uniform policy so I had to be careful to purchase an item that the children could wear during school hours.

So for today's random act of kindness I purchased 100 anti-bullying bracelets, one for each of the kindergarteners.  My hope is that these bracelets can initiate discussions at school and at home.  I think we as parents are the foundation and need to teach our children about compassion and how to treat others that may be different from us.  Whether it is physical differences, social, economic, religious, etc. everyone deserves respect and yearns for love and acceptance.  I want my girls to stand up against bullying and be the voice for the weak or those who may be victims of bullying.

Day 87 - Anti-bullying bracelets for kinders


  1. Very cool. Where'd you get the bracelets?

  2. These are the ones I purchased.
