Sunday, March 3, 2013

Day 62 - Bought Girl Scout Cookies

When the girls grows up, I want them to be strong, independent women. I want them to always be leaders rather than followers. I want them to be able to build strong friendships like the ones I have been able to develop over my life. I want them to always have high self esteem and the confidence that if they always strive to be the best person they can be, great things will come to them.

You may have read the title for this day and thought, "Buying cookies? How is that an act of kindness?" Before knowing exactly the impact the Girl Scout Cookie program had, I probably would have asked the same questions. Not only does the program generate about $700 million for the Girl Scouts (money that is then utilized for expansion of programs for the girls and different charities), but even the act of selling the cookies teaches the girls goal setting and interpersonal skills.

 So although it may be unkind to my waist line, today's random act of kindness is buying some cookies. If you have someone in your neighborhood selling these treats, maybe buy a box. It is a delicious way to have a real impact.

Day 62 - Bought Girl Scout cookies

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