Monday, December 31, 2012

Here Goes!

So as I thought about my New Year's resolution for 2013 I wanted to pick something I could actually stick with longer than my usual day...maybe 2.  I have yet to successfully accomplish any of my New Year's resolutions.  Therefore, I needed to go a different direction in 2013.

So I tried to think of things that I enjoy and could do for 365 days.  So I thought and thought and then it hit me!! Random Acts of Kindness!!  As a family we love to do little things for others and as a daycare we enjoy this too so it would be perfect.  It's even more fun when they don't know us and we don't know them.  The introvert in me actually selfishly prefers it that way.  So why not do (at least) one random act of kindness for someone else every day for 365 days (we'll do one extra act for good measure)?!?  It makes me so excited to even think about all the fun things we could do as a family to give back. 

As a family we are blessed beyond measure so to possibly have the chance to bless 366 or more people in a year is overwhelming!  I know it would definitely change me as an individual and my family as well.

So when I posted my idea on Facebook a good friend of mine suggested blogging about our random acts, people's reactions, our reactions and how we were changed in the year-long process. 

I was a little apprehensive at first because I do prefer the anonymity (for selfish reasons).  I also try to adhere to the concept of not only giving cheerfully but also in secret.  But after thinking about it thought a blog could keep me more motivated, honest and more likely to stick with my resolution for the entire year. 

So here goes!!

So this idea of random acts of kindness is definitely not a new idea.  Therefore I will be using other blogs and websites for inspiration and ideas throughout the year and wanted to share these wonderful sites.  I think it's great to have these additional resources because I believe great random acts of kindness should be performed over and over again.

This is a great blog from 2012 with some wonderful ideas ( and then another blogger is doing it for this year (2013) ( So amazing to see all the kindness and love!