Sunday, April 7, 2013

Day 97 - Bags of Clothes to Goodwill

The entire family tackled the house today and in particular our closets.  We did this a couple of weeks ago but it definitely needed another, more intense pass.  So while still working on my study of The 7 Experiment we decided to really purge our clothing.  Here's a great quote from the book about excess that really served me a slice of humble pie.

"Excess has impaired perspective in America; we are the richest people on earth, praying to get richer.  We're tangled in unmanageable debt while feeding the machine, because we feel entitled to more.  What does it communicate when half the global population lives on less that $3 a day, and we can't manage a fulfilling life on $25,000 (almost 35 times that amount): $50,000 (almost 70 times that amount)?  It says we have too much and it is ruining us."

The girls and I picked 7 or less items in each clothing category (shirts, bottoms, pjs, etc.) and bagged up the rest for donation.  Chris also participated but we gave him a pass on his work clothes so he ended up with a few more in those categories. 

I just feel horrible that we have so much excess while so many people around the world are in need so any little bit I can do to help, I will gladly do.  This book has definitely caused me to re-evaluate how we live and what we can live without.

Day 97 - Clothes for Goodwill

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