Monday, May 6, 2013

Day 126 - Mother's Day Baskets for Children's Hospital

Before the girls were born we were told to anticipate them spending some time in the NICU because they were multiples.  Luckily our surrogate was a superstar and carried them to term and even induction.  Rockstar!  The girls were actually born on a small military base and therefore the hopsital only had a NICU.  So even though they were both extremely healthy we did get to spend 2 days getting to know the NICU nurses and physicians and did see quite a few babies that were not as healthy as ours.  We were very lucky and left after 2 days with big healthy babies while some parents had spent weeks and even months in the hospital watching their little ones fight before we arrived, and would be staying after we left.

So having been through that experience, and knowing many moms and dads that have spent hour after hour in a hospital room with their children, we knew this random act was for us.

I am part of a local moms' Facebook group called Frisco Moms.  The group is moderated by a mom of two named Cate Biggs.  She has done a wonderful job putting together amazing fundraisers and compassion events for so many in our community.  The group is always ready and willing to volunteer and jump in with both feet when there is a need.  Cate decided for Mother's Day to collect gift baskets to deliver to 60 mothers with children in the pediatric cardio unit of a local hospital and 40 baskets for general population mothers.  These are Bath & Body Works gift baskets to let the moms know that we are thinking of them and their children.  Just a little something to make them feel special on their special day.

So for today's random act of kindness I donated a gift basket for one of the mothers.

Thank you Cate for putting this all together.  Your compassion and hard work will not only bless the 100 moms, and their families, that receive these baskets on Sunday but also the other 100 moms, and their families, that donated to this wonderful cause.  Keep up the amazing work Frisco Moms!!  You are all bringing our community closer one small act at a time.

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."
- Leo Buscaglia 

Day 126 - Mother's Day gift basket

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