Monday, May 27, 2013

146 - Supported the Arts

Today the girls and I had a girls' day.  We grabbed some lunch, went swimming and enjoyed the movie Epic.  It was a wonderfully animated movie and the detail and work that went behind it is hard to imagine.  When major films come out it's so easy to forget the hours, weeks, and even years of creating and work that have gone into the 1 1/2 hour film.  As well as all the behind the scenes people that made it happen.

Although I was more into sports in high school and college I definitely acknowledge the arts as such an integral component to becoming a well-rounded individual and allowing for that avenue of self expression.  Whether it's painting, music, cooking, theater or any other form I think it's so important for everyone to experiment with different artistic outlets.

I also love that the girls' school puts an emphasis on the arts and their importance.  From kindergarten they are exposed to foreign language, music, theater and art weekly and I think it's wonderful.  So many schools these days, due to budgeting constraints, are cutting these important classes and the children are the ones that inevitably suffer.

So for today's random act of kindness I contributed to and supported the YoungArts Foundation.  The National YoungArts Foundation identifies and supports the next generation of artists, and contributes to the cultural vitality of the nation by investing in the artistic development of talented young artists in the visual, literary and performing arts.

To date, YoungArts has honored more than 17,000 young artists with over $6 million in monetary awards; facilitated in excess of $150 million in college scholarship opportunities; and enabled its participants to work with master teachers who are among the most distinguished artists in the world.

I don't know if Kailey or Ryan will have a passion in the arts but if they do I hope there continue to be groups and organizations like YoungArts to support and encourage them as much as we will.

Day 146 - Supported the Arts

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