Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day 155 - Bookworms and Late Fees at the Library

Today the girls and I decided to take some treats to the library.  We passed out little bags of gummy "bookworms" to folks reading or working and everyone loved them.

We also grabbed a few books and while we were checking out realized I had a $2 late fee (surprise).  Unfortunately our library only accepts cash or check and I only had $1 on me.  So they held our books while I ran home to grab cash and my checkbook.

Once back I decided to offer to pay for a few people's late fees just to save them the hassle.  They said it wasn't possible to do randomly but sent me to another employee.  He confirmed they couldn't pick people randomly but told me he had just been on the phone with a woman in tears that was unable to afford her late fees.  I'm just amazed sometimes at God's timing.

So for today's random act of kindness I offered to pay off her late fees.  The employee was very skeptical at first and was so surprised someone would offer to do that.  He said he had to talk to her first before applying it to her account but thought she would not object.

After leaving he called and told me he had talked to her and her child was in the hospital.  She had been overwhelmed and stressed recently and completely forgot to turn in the items that incurred the fees.  He said I had "blown her mind" which is why I'm doing these random acts.  To re-instill a faith in humanity and to spread anonymous kindness and love where we can.

Day 155 - Bookworms and late fees

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