Saturday, August 31, 2013

Day 243 - Donated Blood

I received a phone call this past week from Carter Blood Care asking for blood donations.  I am never able to tell them no when they call so scheduled an appointment for this morning.  I think donating blood is so very important all year long so make sure you donate when you can.  I'll be back in 8 weeks!!

Blood Facts:
  • Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood.
  • More than 44,000 blood donations are needed every day.
  • A total of 30 million blood components are transfused each year in the U.S. (2006).
  • The average red blood cell transfusion is approximately 3 pints.
  • The blood type most often requested by hospitals is Type O.
  • The blood used in an emergency is already on the shelves before the event occurs.
  • Sickle cell disease affects more than 80,000 people in the U.S., 98 percent of whom are African American. Sickle cell patients can require frequent blood transfusions throughout their lives.
  • More than 1 million new people are diagnosed with cancer each year. Many of them will need blood, sometimes daily, during their chemotherapy treatment.
  • A single car accident victim can require as many as 100 pints of blood.

  • Donate today!!

    Day 243 - Donated blood

    Friday, August 30, 2013

    Day 242 - Bleach for the Animal Shelter

    I had to run to the pet store to get our new guinea pig some food today and while I was there a local shelter had brought some rescue pets to hopefully find homes for.  They had a small sign asking for donations and one of the items they needed was bleach.

    Dollar Tree is right next door so I decided to run over and grab them a few large bottles of bleach.  Hope these cleaning supplies help at the shelter!

    Day 242 - Bleach for the animal shelter

    Thursday, August 29, 2013

    Day 241 - Gave Away RoughRiders Tickets

    A while back we purchased a package through Chris' work for 4 RoughRiders tickets and 4 Hawaiian Falls tickets.  The RoughRiders game was tonight but with school just starting this week we decided it wouldn't be the best idea for our girls.  They have been exhausted all week. 

    So for today's random act of kindness we drove over to the stadium to give away the tickets.  We found 2 families that hadn't yet purchased their tickets and they were so appreciative of the free tickets.  I'm just glad that 2 families will be able to use our tickets and that our girls will be able to get some rest tonight.  A definite win-win!

    Day 241 - Gave away RoughRiders tickets

    Wednesday, August 28, 2013

    Day 240 - Signed a Petition

    For today's random act of kindness I signed a petition on MoveOn.  Most people have probably seen or read about this story and based on the recent sentencing felt this petition was warranted and signing it was the right thing to do.

    Here is the petition statement:
    On August 26, 2013, Judge G. Todd Baugh sentenced former senior high school teacher Stacey Rambold to just 30 days in prison for the repeated rape of a 14-year-old student. In response to the local and national outrage over Baugh's victim-shaming and willingness to excuse the behavior of the defendant, a petition was started asking Judge Baugh to resign from his position as district court judge.

    According to the Billings Gazette, Judge Baugh argued that the 14-year-old victim of rape in this case was "older than her chronological age" and "as much in control of the situation" as her 49-year-old rapist. In doing so, Baugh places the responsibility for the situation on a troubled child -- one who committed suicide just two years later -- and excuses the criminal actions of an adult who violated the ethical standards and trust of his community.  Baugh has engaged in the worst kind of victim shaming, while increasing the possibility that more child predators, relying on the laxity of a judge who more readily sympathizes with the abuser than the abused, will prey on other children in the future. For the safety of the community, and the sake of sexual abuse victims whose confidence Baugh has lost, the petition asks that he resign from his public position as district court judge.

    Day 240 - Signed a petition 

    Tuesday, August 27, 2013

    Day 239 - Ordered Some Pizza

    Today our girls' school was having a Spirit Night/Fundraiser at Papa Murphy's.  To show support for Imagine as well as the need for an easy dinner night we ordered a few pizzas from Papa Murphy's for dinner. 

    Hope the fundraiser did well tonight!!

    Day 239 - Pizza for a fundraiser

    Monday, August 26, 2013

    Day 238 - Cookie Cake for the Teachers

    The first week of school is underway!  Even though this may be the kids' first day, the teachers and administrators have been working hard for the last few weeks to get everything ready.  I'm sure things are pretty busy getting everyone on board with new rules and routines, while also getting to know each new face, so I thought they needed a treat.

    For today's random act of kindness I ordered an anonymous cookie cake to be delivered to the 1st grade teachers later in the week.  After a few days of craziness I think a little chocolate chip cookie will be welcomed with open arms.

    Wishing them luck this week and I'm sure it'll be a great year!!

    Day 238 - Cookie cake for the teachers

    Sunday, August 25, 2013

    Day 237 - Extra Tip for the Stylists

    Back to School haircut time must be crazy for salon employees.  Even worse is a salon that offers a back to school haircut special because I'm sure they are just booked back-to-back for those last few days before school.

    Today we took advantage of the JC Penny $10 back to school haircut special for the girls.  Both of their stylist were very, very nice and extremely patient.  They said they had been slammed all weekend with kids since school starts Monday.

    So for today's random act of kindness we gave the ladies an extra little tip for all their hard work getting these kids beautiful for their teachers.  You are appreciated stylists!!

    Day 237 - Extra tip for the stylists

    Saturday, August 24, 2013

    Day 236 - Brought Donuts to the "Blood Ladies"

    Kailey had some blood work bright and early this morning so we thought it would be fun to bring the staff at Labcorp a little treat for breakfast.  The two women working were very excited and Kailey was a rock star when she got stuck.  After we left the girls kept referring to them as the blood ladies and how nice the blood ladies were ;).

    Glad they enjoyed their surprise breakfast!

    Day 236 - Breakfast for the blood ladies

    Friday, August 23, 2013

    Day 235 - Bought a Spa Package for Someone

    Things have been a little stressful recently with some illness in the house as well as all the preparations to get ready for the start of another school year.  I feel like we have been going a mile a minute for the last month or so with very little breathing time in there.

    Because I want to get this new school year started off on the right foot (relaxed and collected), and to celebrate our work thus far with the acts, my random act of kindness today is a spa package for...myself.

    Thanks to Groupon and $10 off special offer from them I was able to purchase a great facial and massage combo in one of my favorite places...downtown McKinney.  It's a cute little organic day spa called Pavitra and I can't wait to pamper myself and be rejuvenated.  I know I will be ready to take on the world after 2 hours of relaxation and silence ;).

    I know it's probably a little odd to claim a random act of kindness for yourself but I'm doing it!!

    Day 235 - Spa package for myself

    Thursday, August 22, 2013

    Day 234 - Empowered Another Woman

    Back on April 3rd I performed a random act to empower a woman in another country.  Click HERE to check out the act.  Today I received notification that the loan had been repaid!  So for today's random act of kindness I relent the money to empower another woman, Maria in Columbia.  She was asking for a loan to carry out improvements to her premises and to buy stock (dairy products, snacks, soft drinks and other household items) for her store.

    I will continue to lend on Kiva as it's such a wonderful way to help others!!

    Day 234 - Relent a Kiva loan

    Wednesday, August 21, 2013

    Day 233 - Gave More with Target

    We are only a few days from the first day of school and as everyone prepares Target is also working hard to give back to education!!  Just one click on their Give Back page and you can vote for your favorite school and Target with donate up to $10,000 to that school.  

    Simply select a K–12 school from their list of eligible schools and vote for it weekly until September 21 or until $5 million has been awarded, whichever occurs first. It takes just 25 votes to start. After that, Target will donate $25 to your selected school. Upon receiving 25 votes, each additional vote equals $1 more for up to $10,000 per school. If your favorite school is not on their list, please choose another school. 

    How easy is that?!?  So for today's random act of kindness I went to their site and voted for...wink, wink IMAGINE INTERNATIONAL (the zip code is 75071...just in case you were curious).

    Vote HERE for your favorite school today.  The kids, staff and teachers will thank you.

    Day 233 - Gave with Target

    Tuesday, August 20, 2013

    Day 232 - Proclaimed Chris as My Hero

    On the evening of August 7, 2013 in a quiet suburb outside of Dallas, Chris and Myles White were living their lives as normal kids do. On their cell phones, playing video games, and enjoying being at home with their family. Within minutes their lives were changed forever. Their mother's estranged husband threw a grenade through a window of their home, kicked the door in, and began his reign of terror. Their Mother Zina (48) was killed, followed by their older sister Neima (28) who tried her best to protect Chris, Myles, and her 3 year old son Cohlin. Chris was shot next and as the shooter motioned to shoot his little brother Myles, Chris threw himself in the way of the gun and took a second bullet. Unfortunately, Myles was still shot, but the gunman ran out of ammo which saved 3 year old Cohlin who was pushed in the closet corner for safety.

    The boys are now recovering physically, and mentally dealing with the fact that their mother and sister are gone. Their lives will never be the same.  As a result of being shot, Chris may have lost the use of his legs. Chris is a straight A student, band member, artist, dancer, and basketball player.  Chris is a HERO and made the selfless decision to do all he could to protect those he loved. Myles also a straight A student and follower of his older brother is witty and full of energy.  

    Friends and family members have started a relief fund for these children, their medical bills, therapy, and future needs. They are being cared for by their older siblings Glenn and Keisha who are both college students. The older siblings (both under the age of 23) are now raising their little brothers as their mother would have had it no other way.  

    For today's random act of kindness I donated to their relief fund.  I'm praying for their family and for a full recovery for both Chris and Myles.

    Day 232 - Proclaimed Chris as my hero!

    Chris with his older brother.

    Monday, August 19, 2013

    Day 231 - Walked a Stranger's Dog

    Last week there was a request on our neighborhood's facebook page for dog walkers.  An elderly women not far from our neighborhood had broken her ankle and her only companion was her dog, which she isn't currently able to walk.  A local pet walker had offered to walk the dog for a very reduced amount but the time and attention the woman needed was a bit more than she could fit into her schedule.

    She asked neighbors to step forward if they would be able to take a night or 2 each week while the woman recovered from her injury.  The girls and I jumped at the opportunity.  First and foremost to help someone in need but secondly because Kailey has been begging us for a dog for the last few months.  This will be a wonderful opportunity for them to help and begin to realize some of the responsibilities involved.

    So for today's random act of kindness we volunteered to walk sweet "Honey" twice a week for the next few weeks and help his owner with small errands.  We're excited to get to know him and his owner Nancy and we're so glad we can help.

    Day 231 - Walked a strangers dog

    Sunday, August 18, 2013

    Day 230 - Helped Tear Down a Set

    Today was the closing matinee for Seussical Jr.  It was a wonderful show and the kids did great with all the performances.

    Because the space where the shows are performed is multi-use they asked for parent volunteers to stay after the show to help tear down the stage, set and stack chairs.

    With all the work that other parent volunteers, as well as the directors and staff put into this production over the last 3 weeks it was the least we could do.

    So for today's random act of kindness we helped tear down the set for Seussical Jr.  Looking forward to the next production.  Willy Wonka here we come!!

    Day 230 - Helped tear down a set

    Here is the whole cast on the set before one of the performances.

    Saturday, August 17, 2013

    Day 229 - Gave Away Play Tickets

    This afternoon was a matinee performance of Seussical Jr.  Ryan was feeling a bit under the weather so wasn't able to perform this afternoon.  In order to let Ryan rest we had to give up our 3 family tickets for the show.

    As our random act of kindness today we donated our 3 family tickets to the box office for them to give away as they saw fit.  We're hoping some sweet recipients received the tickets and enjoyed the show!!

    Day 229 - Play tickets for strangers

    Friday, August 16, 2013

    Day 228 - Chick Fila Pay it Forward

    Today Kailey and I went through the drive thru at Chick Fila and thought it would be great to pay it forward by paying for the car behind us.

    We have performed this random act before but it's always a fun one!!  Hope they enjoyed their breakfast!

    Day 228 - Pay it forward at the drive thru

    Thursday, August 15, 2013

    Day 227 - Helped to Promote Eye Health

    During early childhood development, 80 percent of learning is visual. However, problems such as near-/farsightedness, eye focus, and eye coordination among other issues can impair learning, and may lead a student to lag behind educationally, which may lead to low self-esteem.

    This August is Children's Eye Health and Safety Month sponsored by Prevent Blindness America (PBA).  There are a number of ways to help promote eye health for children and adults during August and all year round. 

    Envision is a non-profit providing services for the visually impaired, and the second-largest employer of legally blind or visually impaired persons in the US.

    For today's random act of kindness I donated to the Envision Foundation to support their mission to improve the quality of life and provide inspiration for the blind and visually impaired through employment, outreach, rehabilitation, education and research.

    Day 227 - Helped to promote eye health


    Wednesday, August 14, 2013

    Day 226 - Downloaded Tab for a Cause

    Throughout this year long process I have found a number of random acts that anyone can perform, some as easy as the click of a mouse.  I like doing easy acts like those so that anyone can do them, and I recently found another one that might be the easiest random act I have ever done.  All I did was click on my Firefox browser (or you can use Google Chrome) and opened up a new tab.  A group of college students created Tab For A Cause, and extension for web browsers where advertisers on the site will donate to charities each time you open up a new tab.  So today, for my random act of kindness, I downloaded Tab For A Cause and started donating by clicking.

    Day 226 - Downloaded Tab for a Cause


    Tuesday, August 13, 2013

    Day 225 - Helped a Child Share Their Smile

    While reading another RAK blog I found out a fun fact.  This week is National Smile Week here in the United States.  I can't believe I didn't know this!!  You would think with it being in the title of my blog, and the focus of my acts, that I would be all over this.  Luckily, I did find out about it, so today I am incorporating smiles and smiling into my random acts of kindness. 

    Having had braces as a child and some expensive dental work as an adult I have learned how expensive it can be for families to get preventative dental care, let alone dental care after there are long, untreated issues with the gums and mouth.  Serious health problems can arise from letting your dental care go untreated, and this is especially an issue for children in low-income families.  Since 1997, Smiles Change Lives have been helping these children to get access to proper orthodontic care.  Since then, they have been able to help over 1500 kids nationwide get dental assistance that they wouldn't have gotten otherwise.  So today, for my random act of kindness, I made a donation to Smiles Change Lives so that I could help a kid show off their pearly whites and participate in National Smile Week.  CHEESE!!

    Day 225 - Helped a child share their smile

    Monday, August 12, 2013

    Day 224 - Circus Tickets for a Friend

    Every year the Ringling Brothers send us vouchers for free circus tickets for the girls.  Because of Ryan's play this summer and other random things going on we are not going to be able to make the circus.

    So for today's random act of kindness I gifted our 2 free ticket vouchers to a friend of mine.  They were very appreciative and I know they will have a great time enjoying the circus!

    Day 224 - Free tickets to the circus

    Sunday, August 11, 2013

    Day 223 - Passed Down Some Shoes

    As I'm trying to downsize things for the new school year I searched for someone to pass along the girls soccer cleats and school shoes to.  A friend of mine who has a girl a little smaller than the girls was searching so I was happy to oblige.  I was able to pass along some cleats and shoes for school and it felt great giving them to someone we know.  Hope she enjoys the shoes as much as we did!

    Day 223 - Passed down shoes to a friend.

    Saturday, August 10, 2013

    Day 222 - Thank You Gifts for Soccer Coaches

    Today was the girls' last indoor soccer game.  To show appreciation for our coaches I made 2 small frames with team pictures of the girls.  After their head coach passed out medals we gave the coaches their team pictures along with another small gift.

    Thanks again Coach Toby and Coach guys are great!

    Day 222 - Appreciation for soccer coaches

    Friday, August 9, 2013

    Day 221 - Flowers for 2 Amazing Actresses

    Today was opening night for Ryan and her friend Gia's performance of Seussical Jr.  The girls did wonderfully and we wanted to get them a little gift for their opening night.

    For today's random act of kindness we brought the girls flowers to acknowledge all their hard work and to celebrate their opening night.

    Great job girls!!

    Day 221 - Flowers for 2 actresses

    Thursday, August 8, 2013

    Day 220 - Send Encouragement to a Director

    Tomorrow is opening night for the Plano Children's Theater production of Seussical that Ryan is in.  I know it has been a tough 2 weeks for all the kids involved and they have rehearsed and put in a lot of work to get the show together.

    I also know their director Becca has been working very hard to get everything the way she wants it for the show.  Although she is experienced in theater I'm sure every opening night is different and the nervousness to put on a good show is always there. 

    For today's random act of kindness I sent her a little e-card to encourage her and show our support for all of her hard work getting this production together.

    Day 220 - E-card for a show director

    Wednesday, August 7, 2013

    Day 219 - New Toys for the Acorns

    As the new school year approaches I wanted to make sure to freshen up our toy stash for the Fall.  I moved around the furniture in our main playroom and purchased a few new sets of toys off Craigslist.

    The toys were a hit with the kids and they loved the new setup! 

    Day 219 - New toys for the Acorns

    Tuesday, August 6, 2013

    Day 218 - Treated The Kids to Dessert

    Tuesday night is our weekly dinner at Pluckers for kids eat free!  This week we went with a few other families from soccer to celebrate the end of the summer indoor season.

    For today's random act of kindness we choose to treat all the kids to a couple of yummy Pluckers desserts. 

    Day 218 - Treats for the kids

    Monday, August 5, 2013

    Day 217 - Shared a Baby Elephant Bird Hat

    Ryan is in a children's theater production of Seussical Jr. this weekend and next.  She has been cast as the Baby Elephant Bird opposite another little girl.

    Costume approvals were due today and the mother of the other Baby Elephant was having a very hard time finding the required hat for the costume.  She called me today to ask me where I found the hat so she could get one.  Instead, for today's random act, I offered to just let her daughter borrow our hat for the nights her daughter is the baby.  She was extremely appreciative and relieved.

    Day 217 - Shared a hat

    Sunday, August 4, 2013

    Day 216 - Purchased Some Shoes

    Today at church there were a lot of different activities and drives going on.  Two of those drives were a school supply drive for the kids in the local area and a shoe drive for the children at Casa Hogar Elim an orphanage in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico.

    So for today's random act of kindness I donated a couple of pairs of shoes for the kids of Casa Hogar.  Hope these shoes bring some smiles.

    Day 216 - Shoes for children

    Saturday, August 3, 2013

    Day 215 - Closed Someone's Gas Cap Door

    Today as we were heading to indoor soccer we had to make a quick stop at the gas station.  While we were leaving we saw the car in front of us at the light not only had their gas cap door open but the gas cap lid was sitting on their roof.

    We tried to wave them down but they didn't see us so Chris jumped out at the red light, ran over to the car, put the lid on and shut the door.  Then we were off to soccer!

    For today's random act we saved someone the headache of tracking down a replacement gas cap lid.

    Day 215 - Gas cap replacement

    Here's just a fun team picture from soccer today.

    Friday, August 2, 2013

    Day 214 - School Supplies for Children in Need

    We finished up our school supply drive this week and delivered the supplies to the Frisco Family Services office.  Next week they will be having their annual Back-To-School fair and hopefully these supplies collected will help contribute to their efforts!!  Thanks again to all who donated!  The kids enjoyed packing up the supplies and we talked about the kiddos that could be receiving them.  Planting seeds.

    Day 213 - School supplies for kids

    Thursday, August 1, 2013

    Day 213 - Hosted a Sleepover

    Our poor friend had surgery on her broken leg today.  A painful injury and even more painful surgery and recovery.  We needed to do something to help the family and since we love their kiddos we offered to have their older daughter over for a sleepover tonight.  We love our little friend Logan and I've been watching her since she was 1 so she has always felt like family to all of us.  The girls all had a blast tonight and we knew it was what we needed to do to give them a little relief.  We are praying for our friend and a speedy recovery. 

    Day 213 - Hosted a sleepover